Her daughter was not baptized.
" ...Sheesh " we said, " let's make sure that never happens again..."
What do you think should have happened afterwards?
i was conducting the theocratic ministry school years and years and years and years ago and announced the #3 speaker up to the platform.
this of course was the sister/sister talk at the table.
up comes the publisher, sister so-and-so and her 25 year old daughter as her householder.
Her daughter was not baptized.
" ...Sheesh " we said, " let's make sure that never happens again..."
What do you think should have happened afterwards?
i was conducting the theocratic ministry school years and years and years and years ago and announced the #3 speaker up to the platform.
this of course was the sister/sister talk at the table.
up comes the publisher, sister so-and-so and her 25 year old daughter as her householder.
i don't have all the details of their new "service year" numbers, but i have read enough on jwn to state my opinion pretty strongly.. memorial attendance for 2015 was down.while they kept saying they were going to build a bunch of new kingdom halls, and everybody is still in recovery from watchtower taking all the local money away, they say pretty much that there isn't enough money to build new kingdom halls.putting gb members on the videos at jw .
org has allowed people to really put a face and personality to these guys and remove the mystery of how they should be such deeply spiritual serious men.
instead they see silly thoughts about tight pants and, really everything that comes out of lett's mouth is delivered ultra-goofy, along with the money reports.. the gb lost credibility a little more with every new light that shone down, with the strangest one being "overlapping generation.
sir82 ' ... Number of baptisms declined for the 2nd year in a row....'
Perhaps the congregations are running out of 8 year olds.
hi all, does anyone know of or has a link to rutherford's letter to ollin moyle.. i 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether boozerford could have had god's holy spirit.. thanks all x.
hot off the presses from exjw reddit earlier today.
massive leak in uk.. if true, this is big (and very, very disturbing)..
i' sure the victims of this sham after they have recovered can understand the need to get in focused and the primitive drives to get revenge as well as the corporate
It can be argued that justice has to be done. Revenge can be seen as a form of justice unfolding as the wronged person sees fit. Who has the right to judge whether someone seeks justice or the manner they choose? As long as it does not break any laws, revenge can have a very tempering affect. It can calm a troubled soul and cleanse the mind. Revenge can help a person leave the past behind and get on with life. It is reasonable that a certain number of 'cast aside' bethelites, district overseers, circuit overseers and special pioneers will seek revenge in their own way. Maybe some will become contributing members of this forum.
'Interesting stories they will have.'
i just saw a commercial for a new movie coming out.
spotlight - about a newspaper exposing the cover-ups of the catholic church about child sexual abuse.
michael keaton, mark ruffalo.
i' sure the victims of this sham after they have recovered can understand the need to get in focused and the primitive drives to get revenge as well as the corporate
I think I understand what you mean and I agree with you.
Revenge can take many interesting forms. We wait to see.
i went into jw.org to look up a scripture in the nwt and clicked on new world translation - study edition.
i wanted to go into the book of malachi.
the different bible books were laid in a grid pattern and i clicked on malachi.
I went into jw.org to look up a scripture in the NWT and clicked on New World Translation - Study Edition
I wanted to go into the book of Malachi
The different bible books were laid in a grid pattern and I clicked on Malachi. No response. Directions said , " Books available are in blue. More books will be added in time." Guess how many books were available.
ONE. Only the book of Matthew out of 66 books.
Why would the WT Bible and Tract Society bother putting, on the site, a study edition of the NWT with only 1 book available. Like a bunch of amateurs. In my opinion, a professional organization would construct the complete data and then add it to the online library.
this was posted on fb.. so guys, i'm gonna share something with you all that i think you should know.
i've only told two people about this (one being john cedars) for fear of getting this guy into trouble, but it's very telling and will reaffirm your "ttatt faith!
a couple of weeks ago, i had to have an "ability to protect" assessment by a gentleman from a company that also investigates child protection policies etc.